Learning Hubs
Showcase Your Company as a Leader in Oncology Care
Learning Hub Packages
Standard Package
Patient Advocacy*
*Must qualify as patient advocacy organization and submit proof of 501(c)(3) status
Package Benefits
Company Information
- Name, logo, tagline, description, website URL. banner image
Social Media
- Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram handles
Option to provide giveaway that ONS will promote
The Learning Hub will be available for 30 days
One (1) full conference registration to educational access all ONS sessions and network with attendees
Two (2) hours of dedicated Learning Hub time built into the virtual event schedule on each day of the "live" event days
ONS Bridge full attendee list (name, state, job title, and organization)
Post-Event Reports
- List of attendees who visited, downloaded resources, etc., will provide contact info for those that "opted-in" to the booths (Visitors Report, Resources Report, "Contact Me" Report (for those that opted-in), Banner Link Clickthrough Report)
Portal Features
Team Member Access
- Admin name, email address, contact information, and image
- Admin can add more team members to gain access to the booths (first name, last name, and email address needed)
Live Chat Feature
- Chat with attendees (through the Exhibitor Portal) during the event
- Can set status to active, away, busy, offline
Upload Resources
- PDF, JPG, PNG and URLS accepted
- Max file size is 500mb per file
- No video files are supported
Ability to self-select category tags for attendee search
Gamification to drive traffic to booth