Presentation Resources

Thanks for your ONS Bridge Presentation reservation! 

Find necessary information regarding your presentation below.

ONS Bridge Symposia & Product Theater Information and Resources

If you have not already, please complete the Online Event Write-Up to let us know how you plan to deliver your Symposia and/or Presentation Theater based on the following options: 

  • Present live in Digitell (ONS Platform)
  • Present live on your own platform and provide us with a link
  • Pre-record on your own and send us finalized MP4 file 

 Similar to the in-person event, we ask that you please complete our Online Event Write-Up by Tuesday, July 30th. The information submitted as part of the write-up will be used to list and promote your event online and within the ONS Bridge virtual platform. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions or concerns about ONS Bridge, we encourage you to contact us at [email protected].  

What platform is ONS using for ONS Bridge Symposia and Product Theater Presentations?

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ONS is partnering with Digitell for virtual Symposia and Presentation Theater Presentations, along with all ONS produced sessions.

What options do I have for recording or presenting my session live?

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Based on your needs, there are several options for presenting your session. When you receive your events confirmation we will ask you to confirm your preference so we can schedule the appropriate trainings. 

  • Present live in Digitell (ONS Platform)
  • Present live in your own platform and provide us with a link
  • Pre-record on your own and send us in the finalized MP4 file 

When will training take place?

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A walk through of the Digitell platform will take place this summer.

Do I need to display a disclaimer?

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Yes, the below disclaimer should be shown at the beginning of your presentation for 15-30 seconds.


"A presentation timeslot has been assigned to provide a Symposia/Theater Presentation (please update depending on your event type) supported by (Company Name) during the Oncology Nursing Society's (ONS) Bridge Virtual Event. The Oncology Nursing Society's assignment of a presentation timeslot does not imply product endorsement."

Can we include time for Q&A as part of our session?

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Yes, please note that the Q&A must be part of your 45 minute (Theater) or 60 minute (Symposia) timeframe.

Symposia Only: How does the optional food and beverage credit work?

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ONS will provide a gift card for breakfast or dinner credit post conference. The first 100 registrants to each symposia will receive a $20 credit to redeem a gift card of their choice from selected restaurant vendors on Sponsor to manage a pre-registration and provide registration list. ONS will compare pre-registrant list with attendee list confirm attendance. ONS will e-mail the $20 food gift card to the first 100 attendees within two weeks after the symposia. In the case sponsor does not manage pre-registration, ONS will send gift card to 100 attendees chosen randomly from final attendee list. If you would like to take advantage of this optional benefit, please notify our team by August 2 so we can arrange accordingly.

When will the Attendee Registration list be made available?

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The attendee list will be provided to sponsorship companies two weeks post-show.

How long will ONS host on demand content post-event?

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Content will be available to attendees on demand until October 17, 2024.

Can we use the ONS Bridge name in our email subject lines to help market the event?

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Yes, however the ONS Disclaimer (see posted on this page) must be included in the body of the email.

Still Have Questions?

Please reach out to us at [email protected]. We're happy to help and will be in touch within 48 hours.